It is our belief that if we require our personnel to work towards possessing the following traits, our culture will be joyful and supportive.

Commitment – I am 100% committed to the Vision, Mission and Culture of Prantl’s Bakery.

Ownership – I am fully responsible for my actions and outcomes and own everything that takes place in my job and my life.

Integrity – I always speak the truth. I deliver what I promise. I am willing to make agreements to myself and others that I intend to keep.

Excellence – I always deliver products and services of exceptional quality. I stay on the path of constant and never-ending improvement and innovation.

Communications – I speak positively of my fellow team members and customers in private and public. I speak with good purpose using empowering and positive conversation. I never use or listen to sarcasm or gossip. I acknowledge what is being said as true for the speaker at that moment and I take responsibility for my response. I greet and say goodbye to people using their names. I always apologize for any upsets first and then seek a solution. I only ever discuss concerns in private with the person involved.

Success – I totally focus my thoughts, energy, and attention to the success outcome of the task at hand. I strive to win and allow others to win. A Win/Win attitude makes a successful person.

Education – I learn from my mistakes. It is my goal to consistently learn, grow, and master so that I can support my fellow team members as they grow and master.

Teamwork – I am a team player and a team leader. I do whatever it takes to stay together and achieve team goals. I am flexible in my work and able to change if what I am doing is not working. I seek help when it is needed, and I support my teammates who ask me for help.

Consistency – I am consistent with my actions so that my customers and teammates feel comfortable in always dealing with me. I am disciplined in my work so that my results, growth, and success are consistent.

Gratitude – I am truly a grateful person. I say thank you and show appreciation often and, in many ways, so that those around me know how much I appreciate everything and everyone I have in my life. I celebrate my wins and my team members.

Accountability – I am responsible for all my actions or lack there of in my life. I am fully accountable for all my duties and tasks that I must accomplish. I take pride in my achievements and heed in my mistakes.